BPGroup Update, Top Blogs, 2012 CPP Program and some

Welcome from BPM Towers.
One month of the new webiste / Nine most popular process blogs / Top Articles / Top BPM Training /
Combine that with the 50,000+ non LinkedIn members and your not for profit
has never been so active, so drop by.... http://bit.ly/joinbpgroup

**Featured Blogs**

> Successful Customer Outcomes < http://bit.ly/SuccessfulCustomerOutcomes > Steve Towers
> Outside-In Insider < http://bit.ly/OutsideInInsideOut > James Dodkins
> BP Community < http://bit.ly/ProcessCompany > BPGroup
> Making You Think < http://bit.ly/MakesYouThink > Ian Gotts
> Janne Ohtonen < http://bit.ly/JanneOhtonenBlog > Janne Ohtonen
> Process Ninja < http://bit.ly/TheProcessNinja > Craig Reid
> BPM for Real < http://bit.ly/BPMforReal > Chris Taylor
> PEX Network < http://bit.ly/PEX4Process > IQPC
> Customer Service < http://bit.ly/Service4Customers > Service Untitled

**Featured Discussions**
> Mark Barnett < http://linkd.in/w8CEuC > Process Intuition

**2012 Coaching Program**
With 150 sessions planned this year
> http://www.bpgroup.org/register-venues--dates.html <

**After visting the discussions have a look at the brand new squeaky clean website**

and review the seminars, conferences and program for 2012 :-)

**Also if you are qualified do join the closed user groups on BP Group on LinkedIn.**
More giveaways (in December we 'released' to members 21 iPad2's!!)
and access to all the downloads, videos, updated case studies.....

On the subject of giveaways the next London Masters comes free with an iPad2 to boot
- see http://londonpromas.eventbrite.com/

All the Very Best


The OneGoogle Policy - the Silo destroyer

Google is the epitome of an Outside-In company. Successively reducing costs, improving services and delivering consistent and growing returns for its investors. To some it seems as if there is magic underway as they struggle with changing markets, volatile customers and economic chaos.

What is the secret? At it heart lies a simple formula. Align with Successful Customer Outcomes and you drive out unnecessary complexity, reducing costs and speeding service. We see this in Googles products and services everyday and on occasions our attention is drawn to a particular initiative. This very thing happened a few days ago with Googles new privacy policy launch.

Here is the email many of us received:

Simple and elegant. A prime example of complexity removal and aligned thinking to the benefit of the customer and the organisation.

Not so magic after all once you know the trick!

Thanks to Mark Barnett for bringing this one home - you can reach him via mark.Barnett At bpgroup.org

For more tales of magic and successful outcomes review http://www.bpgroup.org and access resources. If you would like a complementary copy of the book Outside-In The Secret of the 21st century leading companies drop James.Dodkins At bpgroup.org a line with the reason why and we'll oblige.

All the Best