Buzz from Orlando: State of the Industry

Charles Bennett from the BPGroups 18th Annual Conference in Orlando in January 2011.

Do we want best practice or next practice? That was the question posed by Charles Bennett, SVP with the non profit BP Group, on the opening day of IQPC’s Profit through Process Summit.

“Most of our organizations, most of our economies, are under greater stress than ever before,” said Bennett in his opening State of the Industry address. “That’s not going to go’s only going to increase.”

How companies learn to deal with the pace of accelerated change will determine the winners and losers of tomorrow, he said. Just catching up with what everyone else is doing means that “we’re as good as the people acknowledged to be the top.

But will that be good enough?

There are three key areas, according to Bennett, that businesses need to take a careful look at in order to get ahead of the competition: corporate structures, the customer, and process improvement tools.

Corporate structures are too old, too complex

Bennett argues that misalignment in today’s corporate structures are negatively impacting the bottom, claiming “that around 95% of our organizations are probably sitting on about 25-50% redundant cost and untapped business opportunity.”

Many of today’s companies are complex and that makes them slow to respond and the rapid change that we have been seeing in recent years. “The biggest enemy of changing thinking is complexity”, Bennett said, reciting Edward de Bono.
Blast away those decaying structures with 

BPGroup New Update - January 2011

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Reflecting the growth and interest in all things process

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** News & Events**
BP Group 18th Annual CONFERENCE NEXT WEEK | Orlando Jan 17-21, 2010

The CEMMethod® WEBINAR with Martina Beck-Friis (CPP Master®) Part Three
(Missed the first two? sign-up and access those also!)

The BPGroup is now an Open forum on LinkedIn :-)
The specialist subgroups however remain Closed and you can review those by clicking 'More'
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Enterprise Architecture CONNECTIONS subgroup exceeds 450 members in six months
Meet and share with the Group Manager, Steve Melville (Oracle IT Director) in Orlando!

Review the 'Managers faves' at

** New Articles **
The Secret of the 21st leading companies

** 2011 Certification & Training programme**

Cheers, Steve Towers, BP Group Founder

BIG thanks to the BP Group Advisors, Managers & Sundowner Directors including:
John Corr | Sunil Dutt Jha | Charles Bennett | David Mottershead | Erika Westbay | Janne Ohtonen | Nick Harvard | Stephane Haelterman | Paul Bailey | Martina Beck-Friss | Mark Barnett | Steve Melville | Stephen Nicholson | Marjolein Towler | Jennifer van Wyk (South Africa) | See them at http::// |