The BPGroup (established in 1992) is a not for profit business club representing a community of more than 30,000 individuals sharing information in business process management.
This week we passed 1600 LinkedIn members. In just 6 months membership has blossomed to include the widest possible range of interests and people. With over 200 discrete discussions the conversations are vibrant and frequently contentious. The most visited discussion “What do you think BPM is” started just two weeks ago, and across the community now has over 300 contributions.
To share our success members of the BP Group can download the Successful Customer Outcomes toolkit (for one month only). This toolkit helps in identifying exactly why a process exists and provides a framework to uncover how to align an organisation for achieving success – without exception.
The SCO toolkit is one of six toolkits that can be reviewed at
To download the kit visit the BPGroup article and click the link – if you are not yet a member you will be invited to join, and as always with the BPGroup – it s free. You will receive he toolkit as a PDF complete with templates, pointers to other resources, and the means to implement your own Successful Customer Outcome.
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